Dr. Cameo Harvey

Dr. Cameo Harvey has been practicing optometry in Abilene for over 29 years. She was born and raised here in Abilene.

Dr. Harvey has a diagnostic and therapeutic license to treat eye disease. She also co-manages laser refractive surgeries and cataract surgeries. She attends more than 16 hours of continuing education annually. She enjoys working with patients of all ages, from young children to our senior citizens.

Dr. Harvey graduated from Abilene High School in 1985, McMurry University in 1989 (receiving a B.S.), and University of Houston College of Optometry in 1993 (receiving her doctorate).

Dr. Harvey is a member of the American Optometric Association, Texas Optometric Association, and the Rolling Plains Optometric Society. She has done mission work in Costa Rica in 2004 and Guatemala in 2006. She has been a member of the McMurry Alumni Board and is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Abilene.